The purpose of this program is to work collaboratively with neighbors to create awareness and a greater sense of security in order to prevent crime in our neighborhood.
The success of this program is based upon your participation.
Happy New Year!! As we start off 2025, just wanted to remind residents about the the following things that they can do to help promote safety for their families and their neighbors in our community:
The Fullerton Police Dept is holding a “Coffee with a Cop” question and answer meeting for residents to stop by. It will be in the Amerige Heights Town Center McDonalds from 7:30-9am. Please feel free to stop by and say “Hi” to your neighborhood officers.
Residents are always inquiring about Police and Fire actives in the area. The following websites and apps are very helpful in providing details about what it taking place around us.
For technical support, please contact the companies directly.
The AHNW team has identified a correlation between suspicious door-to-door solicitors and robberies that occur in the subsequent weeks. Door-to-Door Solicitors are required to obtain a permit from the city of Fullerton and must have it displayed at all times. If any Door-to-Door Solicitors ring your doorbell or if you see any suspicious salesmen in your area, please call the community’s patrol service, Allied Universal, and they will engage with the individuals. They will be requested to leave the community and the police will be called if they refuse to or are seen again while being unpermitted in Amerige Heights.
Please provide a clear description and location of the solicitors to Allied Universal. You can call or text them the information or picture to their onsite cellphone at (714) 208-2378.
We encourage all residents to call their patrol service when they encounter this.
The Fullerton Police Dept has a reminder for residents about protecting their package deliveries as we head into Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the holidays.
The Fullerton Police Dept has a reminder for residents about protecting their homes and vehicles. Please see the Fullerton Police Dept website for more details.
The Fullerton Police Dept is holding a meeting on Wednesday, November 13th from 8-9:30am at Early Bird Cafe to answer any Investigations Bureau-related questions. Residents are welcome to attend and meet the teams.
Being an Amerige Heights Neighborhood Watch Street Captain is very easy and quite rewarding. You get to meet all of your neighbors and be involved in your community. The responsibilities are very minimal and you will always have direct support from the AHNW Leadership Team. You will be provided with a customized flyer for your Street Group to help make an introduction to your neighbors very easy.
If you would like to be a Street Captain for your street, please send an email to with your contact info. We will reach out and help you set up the program on your street.
A list of the current Street Captains can be found here.
There is an individual opening the mailbox clusters between 3:30 – 5am on random days in the community. It appears that they are using a Post Office master key to open the clusters so no damage is being done to the mail boxes. The Fullerton Police Dept has stepped up their early morning patrols and is working closely with the Postal Inspectors. The HOA’s patrol company, Allied Universal, is also on alert. If you see any suspicious activity by the mailbox clusters in the early morning, please reach out to the Fullerton Police Dept.
It is very important that residents submit a police report after a crime has taken place. Because the police department analyzes crime statistics to determine where they focus their patrols, they need to be aware of the crimes that are taking place, no matter how small they are.
The Fullerton Police Dept is holding a meeting for residents in Zone 1 to meet their Area Commander, Lieutenant Tim Kandler. He will be at the Starbucks on the corner of Euclid and Rosecrans on Sat, June 29th from 10-11am.
Lieutenant Kandler and his team have been extremely helpful to the Amerige Heights Neighborhood Watch Program and we encourage residents to join in and meet his team.
Being a Street Captain is very easy and quite rewarding. You get to meet all of your neighbors and be involved in your community. The responsibilities are very minimal and you will always have direct support from the AHNW Leadership Team. You will be provided with a customized flyer for your Street Group to help make an introduction to your neighbors very easy.
If you would like to be a Street Captain for your street, please send an email to with your contact info. We will reach out and help you set up the program on your street.
There have been 12 mailbox cluster break-ins within the community over the past 4 weeks. Residents are encouraged to check their mail every day. The AHNW has requested additional patrols by the Fullerton Police Dept and they have confirmed that these are in effect.
The Amerige Heights HOA is publishing a new process to help residents get their damaged mailboxes replaced. They will have the information posted on their website at the end of February. Per the CC&Rs, the mailbox clusters are the responsibility of homeowners and the cost is shared among the residents that use each specific mailbox cluster (8, 12, 16 or 20 slot units). An additional process for homeowners to request that their undamaged mailbox clusters be replaced will also be shared on the HOA’s website.
The Fullerton Police Dept website has shared the latest scams that are being targeted towards residents in the city of Fullerton:
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with these so that you can protect you and your family.
The Fullerton Police Dept is holding a public meeting on Tuesday, December 5th from 5-6:30pm at Lagos Mexican Restaurant to answer any Investigations Bureau-related questions. Amerige Heights Neighborhood Watch street captains will be in attendance to represent the community. Residents are welcome to join in and can RSVP on the Fullerton_PD Facebook page.
The Fullerton Police Dept has placed a messages boards around the city warning residents about the uptick in home burglaries throughout the city. The following board is located on Bastanchury and Parks Rd. More information about protecting your home and staying safe can be found on the on the Fullerton Police Dept website.
The Amerige Heights Neighborhood Watch street signs have been installed at all the entrances to the community. A huge “Thank You” to the city of Fullerton Public Works Dept for getting them up so quickly.
We have 19 of the 70 streets in Amerige Heights setup with a Street Captain. If you would like to find out more information about setting up your street in the program, please email
The Amerige Heights Neighborhood Watch Team has had a very busy few months researching and testing out options for residents. We are planning a community event for Sept/Oct where we will present all of our findings on the following topics:
The Amerige Heights Neighborhood Watch Team currently has 15 Street Captains and 2 Area Leads. They had their 1st team meeting on March 26th and were able to share lots of great suggestions with each other. They have been busy meeting their neighbors and updating everyone with the latest information. If you would like to represent your street, please send and email to
The Amerige Heights Neighborhood Watch Team has been busy behind the scenes. In addition to researching many safety related products for the community, they have been working with the City of Fullerton’s Traffic Engineering Dept on getting the Neighborhood Watch signs mounted at the 8 entrances to Amerige Heights. Once those go up, the signs will then be added to the public streets inside the community (Hughes, Starbuck, Benchley and Hetebrink). In addition, each of the private streets in the community that is organized with a Street Captain, will also be receiving a sign for their individual street.
The Amerige Heights Neighborhood Watch Team would like to thank the Fullerton Police Dept for their assistance with 2 recent issues that were affecting the community. The Street Captains in Areas 4 and 7 provided information to the Dept which they processed and then resolved the issues. Thank You Fullerton PD for your wonderful partnership!!
There was a mail server issue from January 28th – 31st which caused all submissions on the Sign Up form to fail. If residents submitted their interest through the form on those days, please send an email to with your contact information to volunteer for the program and we will reach out to you.
Please check out the updated information under the “AHNW PROGRAM” tab at the top of this page. It contains new information for the “Program Overview” and “Area and Street Groups“.
Being a Street Captain is very easy and quite rewarding. You get to meet all of your neighbors and be involved in your community. The responsibilities are very minimal and you will always have direct support from the AHNW Leadership Team. You will be provided with a customized flyer for your Street Group to help make an introduction to your neighbors very easy.
If you would like to be a Street Captain for your street, please send an email to with your contact info. We will reach out and help you set up the program on your street.
Sign ups for every street in Amerige Heights is now open.
If you would like to be a Street Captain for your street or would like more information about the program, please send an email to and we will contact you.
The homes in Area 1 are now being contacted to be a part of the program. Area 1 is made up of the following Street Groups. Please see the Area 1 page for details.
Root West
Evans West
Stein Strauss
If you would like to receive email updates on the Amerige Heights Neighborhood Watch Program or would like to volunteer to be a Street Captain, please send an email to